To Practice is to Keep Trying

To Practice is to Keep Trying, was a participatory performance and installation at C3 Gallery in Abbotsford. It was a game that the audience could play in the gallery and took a form somewhere between rituals of a football game, a corporate team building exercise or a high school drama class activity. It was part of a project titled 'Listening Through the West' which was the result of research into the Whitten Oval in West Footscray.
Jacqui Gordon, January 2020, To Practice is to Keep Trying, installation and participatory performance, C3 Gallery, Abbotsford. Photo: Rachel Main.

Jacqui Gordon, January 2020, To Practice is to Keep Trying, installation and participatory performance, C3 Gallery, Abbotsford. Photo: Rachel Main.

Jacqui Gordon, January 2020, To Practice is to Keep Trying, installation and participatory performance, C3 Gallery, Abbotsford. Photo: Rachel Main.

Jacqui Gordon, January 2020, To Practice is to Keep Trying, installation and participatory performance, C3 Gallery, Abbotsford. Photo: Aaron Christopher Rees.